Bundel Jurnal Arteks: Architecture as a relation of doing and being/ Modern architecture in Indonesia: A genealogy study/ The hedonistic sustainability concept in the works of Bjarke Ingels/ The use of minimal surface principles and multiplex joinery system for designing post-disaster construction systems/ The role of space in sustaining children's traditional games/ The relationship between traditional activities and the mass-space pattern in Bali Aga Customary Village society – Tenganan Pegringsingan/ The implementation of traditional Balinese architecture in the theater of Badung Regency/ The effect of vertical gardens on temperature and CO2 levels in urban housing/ Flexible architecture of the ‘popsyandu’: An appropriate adaptable solution for urban kampung land - use issue/ The utilization of paving blocks as environmental heat reduction materials/ Phenotype and genotypes Malay traditional house in West Kalimantan/ Indoor health and comfort for the green workplace at the university/ Mitigating building collapse in Nigeria/ Physical form sustainability of Huta Siallagan Samosir architecture in supporting Toba Caldera Geopark cultural tourism/ Sustainable architecture: The lessons from ume kbubu, the traditional house of Fatumnasi Community/ The role and meaning of fireplace in Karangtengah Hamlet settlement, Banjarnegara: A study of the spatial pattern of pawon and kinship

Bundel Jurnal Arteks: Architecture as a relation of doing and being/ Modern architecture in Indonesia: A genealogy study/ The hedonistic sustainability concept in the works of Bjarke Ingels/ The use of minimal surface principles and multiplex joinery system for designing post-disaster construction systems/ The role of space in sustaining children's traditional games/ The relationship between traditional activities and the mass-space pattern in Bali Aga Customary Village society – Tenganan Pegringsingan/ The implementation of traditional Balinese architecture in the theater of Badung Regency/ The effect of vertical gardens on temperature and CO2 levels in urban housing/ Flexible architecture of the ‘popsyandu’: An appropriate adaptable solution for urban kampung land - use issue/ The utilization of paving blocks as environmental heat reduction materials/ Phenotype and genotypes Malay traditional house in West Kalimantan/ Indoor health and comfort for the green workplace at the university/ Mitigating building collapse in Nigeria/ Physical form sustainability of Huta Siallagan Samosir architecture in supporting Toba Caldera Geopark cultural tourism/ Sustainable architecture: The lessons from ume kbubu, the traditional house of Fatumnasi Community/ The role and meaning of fireplace in Karangtengah Hamlet settlement, Banjarnegara: A study of the spatial pattern of pawon and kinship

Infections In Pregnancy

Infections In Pregnancy

Prosiding : International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia / Enhancing critical thinking through the science learning on using interactive problem based module / Testing the research abilities of student teachers at pre-service training and education / Development of 7E model lesson on earth systems : a lesson study / The implementation of skill disruptive innovators to improve creativity through science learning on green biotechnology conceptions / Designing solar system material through science domino game and booklet / Comparative study of learning models example-non-example and picture-and-picture on natural science subjects / The effect of activity sheet based on outdoor learning on student’s science process skills / The effect of STAD learning model and science comics on cognitive students achievement / The aesthetics display, program and learning features : A validation toward STEM based e-module for learning integrated science / Profile of elementary student’s argument ability on the energy topic / The effectiveness of OrDeP2E learning model to train the natural science problem-solving skills of primary school students / Teachers, pre-service teachers, and students understanding about the heat conduction / Assessing pre-service science teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) on kinematics, plant tissue and daily life material / Effectiveness of local wisdom integrated (LWI) learning model to improve scientific communication skills of junior high school students in science learning / Profile of pedagogical content knowledge ability of science teacher in learning / Gender difference and scientific literacy level of secondary student : a study on global warming theme / How do kindergarten teachers grow children science process skill to construct float and sink concept? / Description of meta-analysis of inquiry-based learning of science in improving students’ inquiry skills / Succeed or failed: diagnostic of student’s ability to passed basic learning material on liquid pressure, respiratory system and its application based on integrated sciences test in school / The ability of elementary teacher candidate in developing material learning oriented to the scientific approach / Smart city design in learning science to grow 21st century skills of elementary school student / The effect of integrated learning model to the students competency on the natural science / Comparison of argumentation skill in science and non-science undergraduate students / The effectiveness of mobile-based interactive learning multimedia in science process skills / Applying of teaching strategy based on cognitive load theory to develop pre-service teacher teaching skills of waves : Cognitive load analysis / Analysis on senior high school’s reasoning skill / Student’s ecological intelligence ability on the environmental knowledge course / Promoting coupled-inquiry cycle through shared curricular integration models to enhance students argumentation / Implementation of science learning with local wisdom approach toward environmental literacy / The use of video laboratory report to develop presentation skills in science teacher education students / Pofile of students’ scientific literacy in application integrated science on the theme of air pollution / Preconception analysis of evolution on pre-service biology teachers using certainty of response index / Identification of junior high school students’ misconceptions on solid matter and pressure liquid substances with four tier test / Advisability of integrated science teaching material on the topic of environmental pollution to increase environmental literacy and critical thinking of junior high school students / Mapping the reasoning skill of the students on pressure concept / Integrated science teaching materials oriented on critical thinking skills and information literacy / Investigating scientific literacy of students on the topic of water pollution through STEM based 6E learning by design / Exploring the effect of reflection to inquiry teaching through lesson study for learning community / Types and the role of teacher’s questions in science classroom practice / Profile of problem solving ability of junior high school students in science / Implementation analysis of formative self and peer assessment towards critical thinking skill in junior high school / Predict Observe Explain (POE) strategy toward mental model of primary students / Junior high school students’ scientific literacy on earth science concept / Interaction of students motivation and ecological phenomena toward learning outcomes using problem-based ecopedagogy / Students’ conceptual understanding in modified flipped classroom approach: An experimental study in junior high school science learning / Profile of science communication competence of junior high school students on science lesson / The use of argument based science inquiry learning model by using science writing heuristic approach to build students argument ability in environmental pollution theme

Bundel Jurnal International journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) : Duty hours and incidents in flight among commercial airline pilots/ Allometric scaling and accident at work; Lifting, strength in two-person teamwork; Analysis of occupational accidents: prevention through the use of additional technical safety measures for machinery/ Noise-induced hearing loss in bus and truck drivers in Mazadaran province, 2011/ Effects of occupational health nursing practice on musculoskeletal pains among hospital nursing staff in South Korea/ User involvement in the ergonomic development of a medical instrument: a longitudinal case study/ Epidermiological and biomechanical evaluation of airline baggage handling/ Workspace design for crane cabins applying a combined traditional approach and the Taguchi method for design of experiments/ An analysis of hospital cleaning staff a attitudes and conduct regarding hand hygiene and cleaning/ Anthropometric evaluation of cockpit designs/ An experimental study to elevate musculoskeletal disorders and postural stress of female craftworkers adopting different sitting postures/ Association between psychosocial, organizational and personal factors and prevalence of musculokeletal disorders in office workers/ Evaluation of noise environments during daily activities of university students / Determining eyeball surface area directly exposed to the effects of external factors/ The role of burnout syndrome as a mediator for the effext of physchosial risk factors on the intensity of musculokeletal disorders: a structural equation modeling approach/ The concept of resilience in OSH management: a review of approaches

Sistem Operasi

Sistem Operasi

Prosiding SEMMAU 2016 : Berbagi Pengetahuan Menggunakan Edmodo Berbasis Socialization Model SECI (Studi Kasus : SMK Negeri 1 Boyolali) / Analisis Topik-Topik Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Sentimen Terkait Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Pada Media Online / Implementasi E-Govermenmt Di Indonesia / Adler-32 Integrity Validation in 24 Bit Color Image / Desain Untuk Rancang Bangun Fitur Keamanan / Penerapan E-Busines untuk Menangani Proses Penjualan Produk Aguamor Berbasis Web / Klasifikasi Belimbing Menggunakan KNN Berdasarkan Citra Red-Green-Blue / Implementasi Pemecahan Sliding Tile Puzzle Menggunakan Metode Heuristik (Algoritma A*, IDA*, dan BDA*) / Analisis Sistem Antrian Dengan Metode Next Event Time Advanced Mechanism (Studi Kasus: PT. ASDP Persero Cabang Kupang) / Model Pengukur Berat Badan Ternak Sapi Timor Berbasis Citra / Penerapan Electronic Customer Relationship Management untuk Produk Industri Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Rote Ndao) / Pencarian Lembaga Kursus Pendidikan Di Kota Kupang Berbasis Lokasi PENIDAS / Sortasi Tekstur Biji Jagung Sebagai Benih Tanam Menggunakan Seft Organizing MAP / Model Sistem Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Akademik Mahasiswa Berbasis Web / Pemetaan Hasil Laut Wilayah Kabupaten Alor Dengan Analisis Kelompok / Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Calon Penerima Rumah Bantuan Menggunakan Metode Prometrhee / SIG Penyebaran Umat Beragam Di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Menggunakan Metode K-Means Clustering / Perbandingan Pengukuran Jarak Dalam Penentuan Kualitas Benih Jagung Pulau Timor Dengan K-Nearest Neighbor / Aplikasi Evaluasi Tenaga Ahli Peserta Seleksi Nasional Menggunakan Metode Topsis / Lelang Online Berbasis Website Pada Pergadaian Cabang Oesao / SIG Pemetaan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan DiPerbatasan Laut Sawu Nusa Tenggara Timur / Aplikasi Tuntunan Doa Sehari-Hari Dzikir Dan Sunnah Rasul Bagi Umat Islam Berbasis Android / Analisis Pemasaran Rumput Laut Kecamatan Sulamu Menggunakan Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial / Perbandingan Ekstraksi Tekstur Citra Dengan Metode Statistik Orde 1 Dan Statistik Orde II Untuk Pemilihan Benih Jagung / Kajian Situs Web Resmi Pemerintahan Kabupaten/Kota NYY Sebagai Wujud Implementasi E-Government

Bundel Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen (JAM) : Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship: An Inquiry Through Mapping The Conceptual Criteria / Dampak Krisis Keuangan Global 2008 terhadap Volatilisas Return Saham Perbankan di BEI / Peran Brand Community dalam Pembentukan Minat Beli Ulang Konsumen / Kajian Turnover Intention Perawat di RSX Prasetya Husada Malang (Permasalahan dan Penyebabnya) / Pengaruh Faktor Organisasi terhadap Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia serta Motivasi Karyawan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kota Malang) / Strategi Peningkatan Nilai Tambah dan Pendapatan Nelayan Tangkap Berbasis Tepung Ikan untuk Meraih Potensi Pasar Pakan Ternak Unggas Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Ketergantungan Impor Tepung Ikan Di Indonesia (Survey di Sentra Produksi Kabupaten Tojo Una-Una Sulawesi Tengah) / Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Hasil Pemeriksaan (Studi Empiris pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Bogor) / Pengaruh Mutu Pelayanan Farmasi Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pasien Rawat Jalan dengan Cara Bayar Tunai / Pengaruh Orientasi Kepemimpinan Pasar dan Strategi Inovasi Terhadap Kinerja UKM (Studi pada UKM Kerajinan Bubut Kayu Kota Blitar) / Correlation Among Knowledge of Scholl Based Management, Self-Concept, and Teaching Motivation with Teacher’s Performance / Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility Berdasarkan Global Reporting Initiative 3.1 di Indonesia / Pengaruh Variabel Fundamental dan Makro Ekonomi terhadap Harga Saham (Studi pada Perusahaan yang Masuk dalam Indeks LQ45) / Peran Ombudsman sebagai Moderator Kelembagaan Pemberdaya Modal Sosial Masyarakat / Analisis Skema Rantai Pasokan pada Industri Batik Banten / Pengaruh Motivasi dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawa Suku Dinas Perizinan Bangunan Jakarta / Implementasi Total Quality Management Berkaitan dengan Manajerial Perusahaan dan Keunggulan Bersaing (Implementation of Total Quality Management Related to Company Managerial and Competitive Advantage) / Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Kota Batu / Studi Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Ikan Karang Konsumsi di Kabupaten Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Proceedings 2012 International Conference On Advance Computer Science And Information Systems / Digital Pathology Imaging – The Next Frontier In Medical Imaging / Sustainable Feature? Building and Livetime Assessement / Vasion-Based Integent Data Analysis/Development Of Traffic Sensor System With Virtual Detection Zone / Traffic Intelligent System Architecture Based On Social Media Information / Cloud Computing Model And Implementation Of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Using Umber And Gromacs / An Interated Sleep Stage Classification Device Based On Electrocardiograph Signal / Range-Based Localitation With Area Verification For Sparse Distributed Wireless Sensor Network / An Improved CRT-Based Broadcast Authentication Scheme In WSNs / Energi Consumption Analysis Of Modified AODV Routing Protocol Under Random Way Point And Reference Point Group Mobility Models / Land Classifier Using Parallel Minimum Vector Variance Method / Development Of Real-Time Flight Simulator For Quadrotor / The Enhancement Of Node Positiong Accuracy Using Hybrid Localization Method For Woreless Sensor Network / A New Area Partitioning StrategyFor Unequal Clustering Of Wireless Sensor Network / A Survey On Low-Cast RFID Authentication Protocol / Aeronautical Telecomunication Network Protocol Tunnel Prototype Over IP Based Infrastructure / Analysis Of The Effect Of Beacon Order And Superframe Order Value To The Performence Of Multihop Wireless Network On IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol / White Led Illumination For Improving Outdoor Image Analysis For Palm Oil Fruit Repeness Detection / Designing A 12 DC Power Supply Of Lithium Ion Battery In Parallel Connection By Using One Single Charge Controller / Development Of Wide Secured Wireless Sensor Network For Monitoring Global Warming / Supercapacitor- Battery Slow Charged Rate For WSN Application / Laboratory Experimental Test Of Interferometer Sensor For Structure Movement In 3 Dimensional Axis By Method Of Calculation / Knowlegde Management Application System Implementation In Global Energy Company Opentext 9.7.1 Livelink Global Exploitation / Industrial Extreme Programing Practice’s Implementation Using Rational Unified Process On Agile Development Theme / Constructing Shallow-Transfer Rule For Indonesian-English Machine Tranlation / Syntax-Driven Semantic Analysis For Contructing Use Case Diagrams From Software Requirement Spesification In Indonesian / Self Tracking Mechanism For Robotic Vehicles By Data Acquisation Method From Wheel Motion / Dwipa Search Engine : When E-Tourism Meets The Semantic Web / Social Media Analysis For Indonesian Language : Case Study Flood In Jakarta / Quantifying IT Business Value Using IT Valuation Matrix : Case Study Of North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia / Knowlegde Conversion Conceptual Model Case Study: Bali Handicraft SMEs / ITS Information Source: Vehicle Speed Measurement using Camera as Sensor / Efficient Incomolete Ellipse Detection Based on Minor Axiz for Ultrasound Fetal Head Approximation / Analysis of Multi Codebook GLVQ Versus Standard GLVQ in Discriminating Sleep Stages / Apaddy Growth Stages Classification Using MODIS Remote Sensing Images with Balanced Branches Support Vector Machines/ Performance Comparison Analysis Features Extraction Methods for Batik Recognition / Spectral Domain Cross Correlation Function And Generalized Learning Vector Quantization for Recognizinf and Classifying Indonesian Sign Language / Princial Points Estimatioan Using Mixture Distribution / Developing an Emergent Theretical Framework for Artificial Pseudo-gene Communication Pathway in DNA Computing / Hybrid face detection algorithm based on data mining approach / undecimated Wavelet Transform based Classification of Human Emotion / Fuzzy Clpassifier of Paddy Grownth Stages Based On Synthetic Modis Data / QR Code Augmented Reality Tracking with Merging on Conventional Marker based Backpropagation Neural Network / Exploration of Ruled-Based and Probabilistic Localization Algorithms for Wall-Following Robot / Combination of Morphological, Lcal Binary Pattern Variance and Color Moments Features For Indonesia Medicinal Plants Indentification / A Syntactical Modeling and Classification for Performancr Evaluation of Bali Traditional / Batik Image retrieval based on similarity of shape and texture characteristics / Body Gesture Based Control System For Humanoid Robot / An Implementation of Fuzzy Inference System for Onset Prediction Based On Southern Oscillation Index for Increasing the Resilience of Rice Production against Climate Variablity / Modification Four Bits of Uncompressed Steganography Using Least Significant Bit (LSB) Method / Modified Fuzzy-Neuro Generalized Learning Vector Quantization for Early Detection of Arrhytmias / Mobile Application for Indonesian Medical Plans Indentification Using Fuzzy Local Binary Pattern and Fuzzy Color Histogram / Indoor Human Tracking Application Using Multible Depth-Cameras / Multi Layer Kernel Learning for Time Series Forecasting / Parallel Cascade Fuzzy Inference System at The Environmrt Changes, Case Study Automated Guide Vehocle Robot Using Ultrasonic Sensor / Vosion Based Automatic Target Scoring System For Mobile Shooting Range.

Proceedings 2014 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems / Multicore Computation of Tactical Integration System in the Naritime Patrol Aircraft using Intel Threading Building Block / Immersive Virtual 3D Environment based on 499 fps Hand Gesture Interface / Improve fault tolerance in cell-based evolve hardware Architecture / A New Patients’ Rights Oriented Model of EMR Access Security / Element Extraction and Evaluation of Packaging Design using Computational Kansei Engineering Approach / Integrated Information System Specification to Support SSTC / A Real Time Simulation Model Of Production System Of Glycerol Ester With Self Optimization / Development of University of Indonesia Next Generation Firewall Prototype and Access Control With Deep Packet Inspection / Reliable Data Delivery Mechanism on Irrigation Monitoring System / Evaluation on People Aspect in Knowledge Management System Implementation: A Case Study of Bank Indonesia / Government Knowledge Management System Analysis: Case Study Badan Kepegawaian Negara / Shared Service in E-Government Sector: Case Study of Implementation in Developed Countries / GIS-based DSS in e-Livestock Indonesia / Influence of Presidental Candidates E-Campaign Towards Voters In 2004 Presidental Election in Republic Of Indonesia / Information Security Risk Management Planning: A Case Study at Application Module of State Asset Directorate General of State asset Ministry of Finance / Campaign 2.0: Analysis of Social Media Utilization in 2014 Jakarta Legislative Election / Towards Maturity Model for E-Government Implementation Based on Success Factors / The Critical Success Factors to Develop an Integrated Application of Tuna Fishing Data Management in Indonesia / A Conceptual Paper on ICT as National Strategic Resources toward National Competitiveness}{Basuki Yusuf Iskandar and Fadhilah Mathar / Quality Evaluation of Airline’s E-Commerce Website, A Case Study of AirAsia and Lion Air Websites / Hotspot Clustering Using DBSCAN Algorithm and Shiny Web Framework / Analysis of Trust Presence Within E-Commerce Websites: A Study of Indonesian E-Commerce Websites / The Impact of Customer Knowledge Acquisition to Knowledge Management Benefits: A Case Study in Indonesia Banking and Insurance Industries / A System Analysis and Design for Sorghum Based Nano-Composite Film Production / Moving Towards PCI DSS 3.0 Compliance: A Case Study of Credit Card Data Security Audit in an Online Payment Company / An Analysis and Design of Traceability In Frozen Vanname Shrimp Product based on Digital Business Ecosystem / Bayesian Rough Set Model in Hybrid Kansei Engineering for Beverage Packaging Design / Predicting Smart Home Lighting Behaviour from Sensors and User Input using Very Fast Decision Tree with Kernel Density Estimation and Improved Laplace Correction / Visual Usability Design for Mobile Application Based On User Personality / Interaction Between Users and Buildings: Results of a multicreteria Analysis / Digital Watermaking in audio for copyright protection / An Extension of Petri Network for Multi-Agent System Representation / Enchancing Reliability of Feature Modeling with Transforming Representation into Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) / Making “Energy-saving Strategies”: Using a Cue Offering Interface / Extending V-model practices to Support SRE to Build Secure Web Application / Social Network Analysis for People with Systematic Lupus Erythematosus using R4 Framework / Experiences Using Z2SAL / Relative Density Estimation using Self-Organizing Maps / Creating Bahasa Indonesian – Javanese Parallel Corpora Using Wikipedia Articles / Classification of Campus E-Complaint Documents using Directed Acyclic Graph Multi-Class SVM Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process / Framework Model of Sustainable Supply Chain Risk for Dairy Agroindustry Based on Knowledge Base / Physicians’ Involvement in Social Media on Dissemination of Health Information / A Spatial Decision Tree based on Topological Relationship for Classifying Hotspot Occurences in Bengkalis Riau Indonesia / Shallow Parsing Natural Language Processing Implementation for Intelligent Automatic Customer Service System / SMOTE-Out, SMOTE-Cosine, and Selected-SMOTE: An Enhancement Strategy to Handle Imbalance in Data Level / Adaptive Information Extraction of Disaster Information from Twitter / Citation Sentence Identification and Classification for Related Work Summarization / Experiments on Keyword List Generation By Term Distribution Clustering For Social Media Data Classification / Tourism Recommendation Based on Vector Space Model and Social Recommender Using Composite Social Media Extraction / Learning to Rank for Determining Relevant Document in Indonesia-English Cross Language Information Retrieval using BM25 / Forecasting the Length of the Rainy Season Using Time Delay Neural Network / Hybrid Sampling for Multiclass Imbalanced Problem: Case Study of Students’ Performance Prediction / Multi-Grid Transformation for Medical Image Registration / Model Prediction for accreditation of Public Junior High School in Bogor Using Spatial Decision Tree / Application of Decision Tree Classifier for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Discovery from Next-Generation Sequencing Data / Alternative Feature Extraction from Digitized Images of Dye Solutions as a Model for Algal Bloom Remote Sensing / Iris Localization using Gradient Magnitude and Fourier Descriptor / Multiscale Fractal Dimension Modelling on Leaf Venation Topology Pattern of Indonesian Medicinal Plants / Fuzzy C-Means for Deforestration Identification Based on Remote Sensing Image / Quantitative Evaluation for Simple Segmentation SVM in Landscape Image / Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism using Support Vector Machine on Imbalanced Data / Development of Interaction and Orientation Method in Welding Simulator for Wedding Training Using Augmeneted Reality / Tracking Efficiency Measurement of Dynamic Models on Geometric Particle Filter using KLD-Resampling / Nonlinearly Weighted Multiple Kernel Learning for Time Series Forecasting / Distortion Analysis of Hierarchical Mixing Technique on MPEG Surround Standard / A Comparison of Backpropagation and LVQ : a case study of lung sound recognition / arcPSO: Ellipse Detection Method using Particle Swarm Optimization and Arc Combination / 3D Virtual Pet Game “Moar” With Augmented Reality to Simulate Pet Raising Scenario on Mobile Device / Automatic Fetal Organs Segmentation Using Multilayer Super Pixel and Image Moment Feature / Integration of Smoke Dispersion Modeling with Earth’s Surface Images / Performance of Robust Two-dimensional Principal Component for Classification / Pareto Frontier Optimization in Soccer Simulation Using Normalized Normal Consraint / Fully Unsupervised Clustering in Nonlinearly Separable Data Using Intelligent Kernel K-Means / Robust Discriminant Analysis for Classification of Remote Sensing Data / Automatic Fetal Organs Detection and Approximation In Ultrasound Image Using Boosting Classifier and Hough Transform / Particle Swarm Optimation based 2-Dimensional Randomized Hough Transform for Fetal Head Biometry Detection and Approximation in Ultrasound Imaging / Gamified E-Learning Model Based on Community of Inquiry / Knowledge Management System Development with Evaluation Method in Lesson Study Activity / Designing Minahasa Toulour 3D Animation Movie as Part of Indonesian e-Cultural Heritage and Natural History / Learning Content Personalization Based on Triple-Factor Learning Type Approach in E-learning / Adaptation of Composite E-Learning Contents for Reusable in Smartphone Based Learning System / The Case Study of Using GIS as Instrument for Preserving Javanese Culture in a Traditional Coastal Batik, Indonesia.

Proceedings Simposium Penelitian Lembaga Penelitian APTIK 2002 : Pengembangan Model Diskriminan Dan Pemetaan Kemiskinan Di Wilayah Nusa Tenggara / Keadilan Dalam Pengupahan Studi Kasus Pada Pekerja Usaha Kecil Sektor Industri Di Kabupaten Sleman, DIY, 2001 / Dampak Kebijakan Harga Dasar Dan Subsidi Pupuk Terhadap Kesejahteraan Konsumen dan Produsen / Desentralisasi Fiskal Terhadap Pemerataan Ekonomi Antar Daerah / Implikasi Glass Ceiling dan Keadilan Di Tempat Kerja: Studi Pada Pengembangan Karir Wanita / Kemauan Membayar: Prinsip Keadilan Lingkungan Dari Pelaku Perjalanan / Konflik Di Masa Krisis: Studi Empiris Determinan Ketidakadilan Sosioekonomi / Perbandingan Sistem Pengupahan Karyawan Berkeluarga Laki-Laki Dan Perempuan Di Lingkungan Universitas Katolik Anggota Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Katolik Indonesia / Persepsi Akademisi Perempuan Terhadap Kesetaraan Kesempatan Kerja (Equal Opportunities Employment), Prospek Perkembangan Karir Dan Konflik Peran Ganda (Work Family Conflict), Studi Kasus Di UNIKA Atma Jaya Jakarta / Hukum Perkawinan Indonesia Dan Keadilan Hukum Studi Kasus Di Kota Bandung Tentang Hukum Perkawinan Indonesia Dan Keadilan Hukum / Ketidakadilan Berlalu Lintas Bagi Pejalan Kaki / Analisis Muatan Ketidakadilan Jender Dalam Buku-Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris Dan Matematika Untuk Sekolah Dasar: Suatu Studi Kasus Di Kotamadya Malang / Peranan Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Menunjang Kesejahteraan Keluarga Di Pemukiman Nelayan / Perwujudan Keadilan Dalam Pemanfaatan Ruang Publik Kota Menurut Persepsi Generasi Muda Kasus Studi: Kota Bandung Pada Beberapa Eks Lahan Adat Dan Eks Lahan Barat / Keadilan Bagi Pejalan Kaki Dalam Menggunakan Trotoar Dan Fasilitas Penyeberangan Jalan / Evaluasi Proyek Reboisasi Dan Penghijauan Di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara, Alor, Sikka, Ende, Sumba Timur Dan Sumba Barat, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur / Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Kesehatan Keluarga Pada Masyarakat Miskin Perkotaan Studi Kasus Di RW 03, Kelurahan Paseban, Jakarta Pusat / Versi Masyarakat Menyingkapi Aspek Keadilan Dalam Pembangunan Bangunan Air, Kasus Bendungan Kecil (Embung) Di Cikapundung / Keadilan Dalam Pendistribusian Air Bersih Kota Palembang / Keadilan Penyebaran Kebutuhan Ruang Terbuka (Open Space) Sebagai Ruang Publik (Public Space) Di Kawasan Rumah Susun 24-26 Ilir Barat I Palembang / Keadilan Dalam Keamanan Pangan: Cemaran Salmonella SP Pada Nasi Goreng Yang Disediakan Restorika Kereta Api Kelas Ekonomi Dan Eksekutif.

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