Database PROQUEST dilanggan Perpustakaan UKMC (Konsorsium dengan FPPTI Jawa Timur). Untuk panduan klik disini. Untuk tautan akses sebagai berikut.

    a. PROQUEST Bidang Ilmu Kesehatan, klik disini

    b. PROQUEST Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi, klik disini


Database GALE yang dilanggan Perpustakaan UKMC (Konsorsium dengan FPPTI Jawa Timur). Untuk panduan klik disini. Untuk tautan akses sebagai berikut.

    a. GALE Bidang Engineering, klik disini

    b. GALE Bidang Social Science, klik disini 




1. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar)

Area subjek: Evaluasi pendidikan atau analisis kebijakan; Analisis ekonomi; Analisis demografis, keuangan, politik; Kebijakan Pendidikan, dan meta-analisis atau sintesis yang signifikan membahas masalah-masalah pendidikan. PANDUAN klik disini. TAUTAN klik disini

 2. The Teacher Educator (Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris)

Area subjek: Penelitian, dan program inovasi yang berkaitan dengan persiapan guru prajabatan; Pengembangan profesi guru berkelanjutan.  PANDUAN klik disini. TAUTAN klik disini

3. The Journal of General Psychology (Prodi Psikologi)

Area subjek: Penelitian dengan ruang lingkup penyebab perilaku dan proses mental, Penelitian yang menguji model dan teori yang melibatkan fenomena psikologis kompleks. PANDUAN klik disini. TAUTAN klik disini

4. Fabrications (Prodi Arsitektur)

Area subjek: Architectural, Urban and Landscape history of Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and South-East Asian regions. PANDUAN klik disini. TAUTAN klik disini

5. Co-Design (Prodi Teknik Industri)

Area subjek: Collaborative design methods; Techniques and tools; Methods for studying collaborative design; Studies of collaborative design;  Innovations in technology to support. PANDUAN klik disini. TAUTAN klik disini

6. Engineering Management Journal (Prodi Teknik Industri)

Area subjek: Strategic: Strategic & operations management; and Management of design & consulting engineering organizations. Core: Systems engineering/systems engineering management; Program & project management; Technology management: Research & development, technology transfer, commercialization; Technology management: technology forecasting, emerging technologies; Innovation & new product development. Enabling: Organization and work system design; Economics of engineering; Quantitative methods & models; Knowledge & information management; Quality management; and Developing engineering management professionals. Perspectives of the Profession: Engineering management. PANDUAN klik disini. TAUTAN klik disini



Perpustakaan UKMC melanggan koran, majalah, dan tabloid dalam format digital/ elektronik. Koleksi ini hanya dapat diakses menggunakan layanan komputer & internet yang ada di Perpustakaan. Berikut ini koleksi koran, majalah, dan tabloid yang dilanggan perpustakaan:

1. Koran Bisnis Indonesia (Harian & Mingguan)

2. Koran Kompas

3. Koran Media Indonesia

4. Koran Kontan Harian & Tabloid Kontan Mingguan

5. Majalah Infobank

6. Majalah Intisari

7. Majalah National Geografi




    Terdapat Jurnal Ilmiah yang dikelola oleh UKMC. Untuk akses e-journal UKMC klik disini


    E-Print adalah merupakan media penyimpanan dan penyebarluasan karya ilmiah sivitas akademik UKMC yang meliputi tugas akhir/skripsi, tesis, disertasi, buku tesis, buku/modul ajar, laporan penelitian dan PKM, laporan kerja praktik/magang, prosiding workshop/lokakarya/seminar dan sejenis-nya, orasi ilmiah, pidato pengukuhan, buku pedoman praktikum, jurnal ilmiah, hasil paten, hasil lomba karya tulis ilmiah mahasiswa, dsb. Untuk akses e-print UKMC klik disini


E. E-RESOURCES PNRI (Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia)

      Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia menyediakan E-Resources secara gratis, klik disini



       Sinta (Science and Technology Index) merupakan Sistem informasi penelitian berbasis web yang menawarkan akses cepat, mudah dan komprehensif untuk mengukur kinerja peneliti, institusi dan jurnal di Indonesia. Untuk akses jurnal yang terindeks  SINTA klik disini



  1. Directory  of Open Access Journals : DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. DOAJ is independent. All funding is via donations, 22% of which comes from sponsors and 78% from members and publisher members. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed in DOAJ. All data is freely available.
  2. Elsevier Open Access Journals : All articles in open access journals which are published by Elsevier have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.
  3. OMICSONLINE: This publisher hosts over 700+ leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over 3000 International Conferences all over the world. Obtained enormous global visibility and tremendous response from the authors and readers from all over the world inspired the publisher to maintain reputed Open Access Journals in various scientific disciplines.
  4. Oxford Open Access Journals : Open Access Journals by Oxford University Press (OUP)  to facilitate the widest possible dissemination of high-quality research. OUP embrace both green and gold open access (OA) publishing.
  5. PLOS : PLOS publishes a suite of influential Open Access journals across all areas of science and medicine. Rigorously reported, peer reviewed and immediately available without restrictions, promoting the widest readership and impact possible. We encourage you to consider the scope of each journal before submission, as journals are editorially independent and specialized in their publication criteria and breadth of content.
  6. Pubmed Central : PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
  7. Scientific Research Publishing : Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) is one of the Open Access journal publishers. It is currently publishing more than 200 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. SCIRP serves the worldwide academic communities and contributes to the progress and application of science with its publication.
  8. SpringerNature Open Access Journals: SpringerNature publish around 600 fully open access journals in all disciplines – from the life sciences to the humanities. Authors also have the option to publish their article under an open access licence in more than 1,900 of SpringerNature subscription-based journals.
  9. Wiley Open Access Journals  : Wiley Open Access publishes authoritative peer reviewed open access journals across many research disciplines. Wiley Open Access journals are supported by a network of authoritative journals and societies as well as internationally renowned editorial board members. All research articles published in Wiley Open Access journals are immediately freely available to read, download and share. Wiley Open Access publishes a number of online journals across biological, chemical and health sciences.


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